‘Men in Change’
Mens Counselling a safe, supportive, and understanding environment to share narratives and constructive dialogue. For validation, growth and self-worth.
“Men In Change’ is a multi-therapeutic eclectic approach for sharing thoughts and explore many issues being experienced by men of various ages.
Steve offers tools, skills and knowledge for men to change their lives, deal with issues. This support during your process of grief, loss, and confusion, validating your story, experiences and journey so far, change, and initiatives.
Experience the process of acceptance of self and others.
Furthermore, celebrate new narratives and stories of success.
Stephen de Quincey has written successful therapeutic programmes for men to explore their individual stories and implement change for many years. His history of work in anger management being at the forefront of his work.
“My well being is definitely higher, and I have a much ‘healthier’ grasp
on my mind and self and behaviour as a result of having attended your
group and workshops over the years, and so in this I want to say it has
been with much gratitude and thanks for your work and efforts.” Steve B
Contact: Stephen de Quincey on 021 165-9069 or email steve@qvtp.nz